I feel like I rocked it

Some days you feel like a mom and some days you don’t. Well, that last part isn’t true completely. It’s hard not to feel like a mom no matter what. But you get it. Right? Anyways, yesterday I totally killed it in my moming. Like, in a 1950’s TV show kinda way.

Miss Lillian didn’t wake up until 7:30! Yes, I have an almost 9 month old baby and I slept past 7. In our house 7 is considered “sleeping in”. It’s the little things. After our morning bottles (OK, OK mine was just coffee ☕) Mason and I ventured into our favorite pastime, the world of baking, and whipped up a little scratch made banana bread.

Once that mess was cleaned up, lunch was had and a little surprise trip into town was necessary where we spent an hour playing a horrible but fun game of tennis. I planned ahead in the 5 minutes I had to plan the whole thing and packed our swim suits as well. It was 90+ degrees outside so I knew the feeling of cold water would be pretty close to heaven as we could get once our game was over and took the babes to the splash pad.


Mason loved it as usual but Lillian was a bit tired and wanted nothing to do with it. She was happier in the shade. It was her first time there too so maybe next time she’ll enjoy it more.

Hubs also came home today and because of that he got buffalo chicken sloppy Joe’s for dinner (it was on the menu anyways but that’s just between us) followed by a pan of fudge brownies while we played a few Kinect games with Mason once Lillian was in bed.

Phew! What a day! Told you I killed it lol! I so momed that Friday and I never even had to raise my voice.

So tell me;

How do you spend your summer days? Or just your days off on the summer?
What’s something you do that makes you feel like you rocked it (no kids required)? You still have the whole weekend if you haven’t done it already.

Have a great weekend!

I’m NOT dead

Hello Blog world! I am alive! LOL just in case the few of you who follow were wondering (if your still following).

So what has happened since summer of 2014 WELL,…I got pregnant that December and had the most beautiful baby girl in September of 2015! An amazing 7 lb 10 oz baby girl has turned our little family of 3 upside down is the best way possible and I couldn’t be more ecstatic! In that same time, I quit my job. Not because I was going to be a permanent stay-at-home mom, even though I wanted to, but because I just didn’t love it. In fact, I didn’t even like it and I admit to using my maternity leave as a way out. I didn’t think I would have a problem finding another job but the universe is telling me otherwise as I am currently still jobless. Hubs on the other hand has moved careers to something he has always wanted to do and that will also produce a bigger financial increase so I am not-so-patiently waiting for that day to arrive. Other than that, I am enjoying every minute with my kids.

Also, my older baby is turning 10 this July and I will officially finish my first year of “dirty 30”. Yes, in just a few weeks (July 14th to be exact…let me know and I will tell you where to send the presents LOL) I will be 31 which is both exciting and scary but I will save that post for another day. Promise!

I have kind of tinkered around with YouTube a little bit but if you can tell by my tremendous amount of blog posts, my YouTube posts are about equivalent. I’m working on it though. I know you should write about what you love but most people don’t want to hear about what your 10 year old and 8 month old ate for breakfast that day or how much you couch surfed during nap because you killed it on housework at 5 a.m. It’s one of those “I have 1,000 projects but don’t know which one to start with” situations. I’ll figure it out though.

Thanks for catching up with me! I’m not going back over this post to read and edit since it was just a fluke I signed in here anyways so if I misspelled  something, forgive me. 🙂



Hello Again

Hi everyone. I’m sure everyone noticed that I took down the posts I had previously written. I’m still not sure what I want this to be…if anything. But I’m sitting here alone with my thoughts and this overwhelming feeling in my heart. I can’t quite explain what it is. Its that feeling of nostalgia mixed with revelation and happy anxiety. Its that feeling that you get when you know what your doing and where you are is not where your supposed to be but its ok because you finally get it. Not sure what I’m supposed to do or where exactly I’m supposed to be but it is OK. I get this feeling around October/November. I don’t know why its been weighing heavy on my heart today but I’m excited to try and figure out what it means.
  I guess that’s all for now. I’m sitting at work so probably not a good time to write a lengthy post but heh. Let me know if you’ve had this epiphany and what it meant and what you we about it.